Become the leading on demand security protection provider.
Security services are segmented, not cooperative, creating silo-protection mostly in the areas people live. Shield911 solves this problem!Shield911 is the collaboration of over 100 private security companies nationwide.
There are “Panic button” services out there that offer ‘panic’ calls via a speed dial number, or sends alerts to family members, or can track your location via GPS. The Shield911 App is different as it combines all these functions managed through a centralised security control room which connects the best private security companies nationally. That means you get the protection from multiple private security companies anywhere any time for less than half the cost of private home security.

We provide armed security and emergency medical response to you any time any where! Our revolutionary technological solution is designed to protect people from every day threats anywhere in South Africa. By using advanced geo location technology Shield 911 provides a cell phone panic button to alert a centralised control room to dispatch armed private security responders, or medical emergency responders.

The armed response is a collaboration of the best private security companies across South Africa giving you MOBILE protection from multiple security companies. Each dispatch is recorded and monitored to ensure strict compliance with the required response times. The medical emergency services are provided by ER 24 countrywide.